For visitors

Address and opening hours


  • Tickets
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About museum

Фото музея

In 2024, a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery opened in Samara. It is located in a unique constructivism monument - Fabrika-kukhni of the ZIM factory. This building is in the form of a sickle and a hammer, a project of one of the first women architects in Russia, Ekaterina Maksimova.

The factory has gone through a difficult path - from an ultra-modern new life machine in the 1930s, to a collapsing half-abandoned building at the beginning of the XXI century. According to the laws of history, the factory reacted to social and cultural change. Its appearance and functions have changed.

In September 2018, it was decided to create a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery. The constructivist building of the Fabrika-kukhni dictated the basic idea of the Branch - a dialogue between classics and of modern through the prism of the twentieth century culture in the framework of exhibition and educational projects federal level. The restoration of the building was completed in 2023. Fabrika-kukhni appeared in its original form, which was conceived by the architect Ekaterina Maksimova.

In the bright constructivist spaces of the Fabrika-kukhni, exhibitions of masterpieces from the collection Tretyakov Gallery and other Russian and world collections.

The exhibition spaces are located on the second floor of the "sickle" and occupies about two thousand square meters.

The Fabrika-kukhni Museum will be located on the ground floor. The exposition will be devoted to the social the phenomenon of Fabrika-kukhni and constructivism as a style of social utopia.

Educational center The branch organizes programs for exhibitions, subscriptions to museum teachers and invited artists, open events: lectures, film screenings, concerts, creative meetings.

Separate space - "The Tretyakov Gallery in Samara". It will combine the modern library with access to multimedia resources and the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, as well as a souvenir shop and coffee shop.

Films from the Tretyakov film fund, feature films and documentaries will be shown in the cinema hall of the Branch office.

In the courtyard of the Branch and next to it there is an art space with exhibition pavilions, a cafe and a summer terrace restaurants, playgrounds and stage.

Tretyakov Air Art Residence will invite artists and curators to create works and conducting research. Following the results of the residences, exhibitions will be held in a separate space.

History of the Fabrika-kukhni

  • By car
  • By public transport

    Opposite the building of the Fabrika-kukhni there is a tram stop "Samara branch of the Tretyakov Gallery". By trams number 4, 5, 18, 20/20k, 22 run on the route.

    Bus stop "Samara branch of the Tretyakov Gallery" is also located opposite the building of the Fabrika-kukhni. If you are driving towards the "old city", then you need to cross the road through the underpass, which located next to the stop, on the side where the building stands Fabrika-kukhni. You can use the bus routes numbered 2, 23, 47, 50, 61 or route taxi numbers 261, 347, 397.

  • By metro

    From the metro station "Rossiyskaya" to the building of the Fabrika-kukhni to you need to walk about 500 m. After exiting the metro, you must go out onto Lunacharsky Street and walk along it to the street Novo-Sadovaya, walk about 100 m - the museum building will be on your right. We recommend that you take this route through post-industrial park "Garden of Balance".

  • For visitors with ASD

    Social history will help prepare for a visit to the exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and visitors with other special needs of mental development.

  • By car
  • By public transport

    Opposite the building of the Fabrika-kukhni there is a tram stop "Samara branch of the Tretyakov Gallery". By trams number 4, 5, 18, 20/20k, 22 run on the route.

    Bus stop "Samara branch of the Tretyakov Gallery" is also located opposite the building of the Fabrika-kukhni. If you are driving towards the "old city", then you need to cross the road through the underpass, which located next to the stop, on the side where the building stands Fabrika-kukhni. You can use the bus routes numbered 2, 23, 47, 50, 61 or route taxi numbers 261, 347, 397.

  • By metro

    From the metro station "Rossiyskaya" to the building of the Fabrika-kukhni to you need to walk about 500 m. After exiting the metro, you must go out onto Lunacharsky Street and walk along it to the street Novo-Sadovaya, walk about 100 m - the museum building will be on your right. We recommend that you take this route through post-industrial park "Garden of Balance".

  • For visitors with ASD

    Social history will help prepare for a visit to the exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and visitors with other special needs of mental development.

  • Комплексный билет на выставки «На вкус и цвет. Образы еды в русском искусстве» и «Музей Фабрики-кухни» 6+
    2 июня -
    3 ноября 2024

    Комплексный билет на выставки «На вкус и цвет. Образы еды в русском искусстве» и «Музей Фабрики-кухни» 6+

    Главный зал

    Филиал Третьяковской галереи в Самаре представляет свою первую выставку в отреставрированном здании Фабрики-кухни, выдающемся памятнике конструктивизма. 

  • Обзорная экскурсия по выставкам «На вкус и цвет. Образы еды в русском искусстве» и «Музей Фабрики-кухни»
    2 июня -
    3 ноября 2024

    Обзорная экскурсия по выставкам «На вкус и цвет. Образы еды в русском искусстве» и «Музей Фабрики-кухни»

    Главный зал
    Сборные экскурсии проходят ежедневно, кроме понедельника. Приглашаем!
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  • Арт-завтрак 12+
    27 октября —
    22 декабря 2024

    Арт-завтрак 12+

    Клуб Третьяковки
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  • Экскурсия-лекция с тифлокомментированием «Фабрика-кухня: внутри и вокруг» 12+
    13 июля —
    14 декабря 2024

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    Приглашаем на экскурсионную лекцию с тифлокомментированием.
  • Мастер-класс «Плакатная графика» 12+
    4 августа —
    24 ноября 2024

    Мастер-класс «Плакатная графика» 12+

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    26 октября 2024

    Экскурсионное занятие с тифлокомментированием по выставке «На вкус и цвет. Образы еды в русском искусстве» 6+

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  • «ЛЕСА» – лаборатория естественной архитектуры 12+
    10 сентября —
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Accessible Museum

  • By car

    If you are planning to get to the museum by car and your car has the “Disabled” sign on the front and rear windows, you can use the city parking lots that are nearest to the Tretyakov Gallery buildings. City parking next to the building of the Fabrika-kukhni is a description of the place. There are 0 in the parking lot places intended for cars with the sign "Person with a disability".

    If necessary, you can use our guest rooms free of charge. wheelchairs for people with limited mobility.

  • By metro

    If you plan to get to the buildings of the Tretyakov Gallery by metro, then you can use the escort service of the Passenger Mobility Center Samara metro.

    You can apply for support and get more detailed information, by calling the support numbers: +7 902 293-65-60. IN Samara metro asks to inform about the intention to use the service in advance.

    The nearest metro station to the building of the Factory-Kitchen is Rossiyskaya. From metro station "Rossiyskaya" to the building of the Fabrika-kukhni you need to walk about 500 m. After exiting from the metro, you must go to Lunacharskogo street and walk along it to the street Novo-Sadovaya, walk about 100 m - the museum building will be on your right. Recommended you will go through this route through the post-industrial park "Garden of Balance".

  • Tickets

    Entrance to the permanent exhibitions of the Tretyakov Gallery:

    – for visitors with the 1st disability group and one accompanying person – free of charge;
    — for visitors with the 2nd disability group — free of charge;
    – for children with disabilities and one accompanying person – free of charge;

    An accompanying visitor with a 2nd disability group must purchase himself a ticket according to his own preferential category or a full ticket if he/she does not have benefits - for visitors with the 3rd disability group reduced ticket price is 50% of the ticket price.

    To take advantage of these benefits, please bring a document confirming disability. You can also buy tickets online on the museum website.

  • Organized groups of visitors with disabilities

    If you are planning a group visit, you can fill out an application at least 3-5 days before the planned visit and contact the coordinator by mail mail address.

    For all questions related to the accessibility of buildings and programs of the Tretyakov Branch galleries in Samara for people with different forms of disability, you can write to the mail

  • Elevators and ramps

    The building of the branch of the Tretyakov Gallery in Samara at the Kitchen Factory is equipped with elevators and wheelchair accessible ramps. When If necessary, you can use our guest strollers free of charge for disabled visitors. To do this, you should contact the administrators in foyer.

  • Guide dogs

    If you plan to visit our museum with a guide dog, please do not forget about the muzzle and the corresponding document.

    You can ask the receptionist in the lobby for a water bowl.

  • Excursions with the use of typhlocommentary and tactile materials

    Employees of the Tretyakov Gallery strive to increase opportunities for visiting the museum visually impaired and blind people of the Tretyakov Gallery. In the section Catalog of inserts and Event directory you can find tour routes using audio commentary and tactile materials.

  • Excursions in Russian sign language

    Find out the current schedule of excursions in Russian sign language, as well as ask all questions about programs for hearing impaired and deaf visitors, you can by mail

  • Subtitles

    Many film screenings in the branch of the Tretyakov Gallery in Samara are held in the language original with Russian subtitles. You can see the current film program in the "Catalogue of events".

  • Social history
  • Sensory bag

    While visiting the museum, visitors with autism spectrum disorders may need to use the sensor bag. The bag is filled with the items of the first help to relieve anxiety. Noise-defying headphones and earplugs will help to transfer noise and hum. If you need to calm down and sit on the floor, you can use a special pillow (seat); when overloaded, it is possible to additionally hide with a blanket. balls designed for self-stimulating behavior that calms people with autism spectrum disorders. The bag also contains antibacterial napkins and cards of the most important actions: please take to a quiet place, send to exit or toilet.

    We ask you to warn about the visit by mail the mail address so that the employees of the Branch Tretyakov Gallery in Samara were able to provide you with the most comfortable visiting of museum.

  • By car

    If you are planning to get to the museum by car and your car has the “Disabled” sign on the front and rear windows, you can use the city parking lots that are nearest to the Tretyakov Gallery buildings. City parking next to the building of the Fabrika-kukhni is a description of the place. There are 0 in the parking lot places intended for cars with the sign "Person with a disability".

    If necessary, you can use our guest rooms free of charge. wheelchairs for people with limited mobility.